We spent a short, sweet and boozy night in picturesque St. Inez with uncle Gabe and Mike. St. Inez is wine and ranch country. So, upon arrival we all got down to business. Bottles were opened. I cooked a feast including rib eye steaks. Alfie and Sophia pulled the guns out. Charlie and Mike took heaps of pictures with their ridiculously large cameras. And Gabe...documented it all.
Mike led us from St. Inez to La Super-Rica Taqueria in Santa Barbara for some hangover helpers. Julia Child was bang on when she declared this swarming stop her favourite Mexican restaurant (yes, it's been around that long). The long line-ups led us to paper plates piled high with melted cheese, fresh tortillas, grilled meats, guacamole, salsas galore . We slurped it all back in just under 10 minutes with the help of a few ice cold cervesas and freshly squeezed watermelon juice.